Welcome to SexToy Wholesale API

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The SexToy Wholesale Draft Order Management API is a robust and secure interface designed exclusively for our wholesale partners. This API facilitates seamless integration for creating, editing, and deleting draft orders directly within your internal systems, streamlining the ordering process and enhancing efficiency for bulk purchases on wholesale.sextoy.com.


Use Cases
The Draft Order Management API is ideal for:

Getting Started
To begin integrating the Draft Order Management API into your system, start by obtaining an API key through your wholesale account on wholesale.sextoy.com. Follow our detailed documentation for information on endpoint configurations, request and response formats, and best practices for a seamless integration experience.

Support and Feedback
Your feedback is invaluable to us. For technical support, questions, or suggestions regarding the API, please reach out to our dedicated developer support team at wholesale@sextoy.com. We're here to ensure you have all the resources needed to integrate our API successfully.